Wednesday, October 9, 2019

No One Ever Said Dating Would Be Easy

If you're like a lot of people in the dating world, sometimes you get tired of looking. It can sometimes feel like too much effort...for too few results. I know. I've been there.

You spend hours every week writing emails on dating sites, going to singles and hobby activities, and keeping your eyes opened everywhere you go for people who might be your type. It takes time, effort, and energy--and every so often, you feel like giving up. Like you need a break. 

I get that too. We all need to slow down to recharge our batteries when we've been working hard at something for a long time.

Yes, the dating search takes some legwork and time commitment. And, yes, it can be draining, frustrating, and even demoralizing. But I firmly believe that anything worth having, such as a romantic partner to go through life with, is worth spending some time and effort...which is why I never gave up searching.

And that's how I found the love of my life.

I stayed focused on my goal, put in the time and effort necessary to reach for it, and took breaks as needed to regroup after disappointments and failures. And you can do the same thing--if you set your intention, promise yourself to stick with it, carve out the time to pursue it, and reach out for moral support and new strategies when you hit a wall.

Maybe you've done all 3 of those 4 things except reaching out for moral support. Maybe you thought you could do it on your own--even after all the weeks, months, or years that your efforts didn't pay off. 

Maybe today is the day you should take that extra step by calling an expert for some advice and ideas to make dating easier.

People hire coaches when they're training for athletic events or trying to move to the next level in their career. But, for some reason, they hesitate to ask for help when it comes to their personal lives.

Isn't your love life just as important--or even more important--than a sport or career? If you think it is, you might want to consider working with a dating coach to:
* guide you to new places or websites to meet singles
* help you stay motivated and energized when you feel tired or hopeless
* boost your self-confidence for dating
* write your online dating profile for you if you're not sure what to say
* gain a new perspective so dating doesn't feel like work anymore

Are you ready? If so, I'm here to help with all the tips and techniques that woked for me in the dating world...and that led me to my true love. 

Contact me at or 267-245-3023